Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels

About Me

I strive to craft writing that improves people's lives.

Whether I'm explaining complex procedures with technical writing, connecting customers and businesses with captivating copy, or giving readers that warm, fuzzy feeling with fiction, I'm hungry for more chances to reach people through writing.

"Writing is like breathing; you just don't have to do it quite as often."

As a ten-year old writing fanfiction about wizards, I told my aunt, "Writing is like breathing; you just don't have to do it quite as often."

The embers of that passion still burn bright, and I live and breathe writing to this day.

At work, I'm the go-to person for penning complex emails, writing how-to-guides, and organizing complex information clearly and concisely. After hours, I help my friends write important documents (including their wedding ceremonies!) and collaborate with others to craft interactive stories. I even catalog my D&D group's adventures in epic sagas.

Wherever I go, I'm a writer at heart, and I'm itching to make my part-time passion a full-time vocation. 

I can't wait to see where I end up!